
The Basics

Minimum age

komm schon Alter is for the fabulous 24+. NO KIDS ON THE DANCE FLOOR!

House rules


  • Bring your ID / passport. Komm Schon Alter is 24+.
  • We kindly ask you to participate in security searches. This is mandatory!
  • Pay attention to your personal belongings. Watch out for pick pockets.
  • Mind your ears and wear earplugs.
  • Smoking is allowed outdoors. Smoking is not allowed in tents and indoor areas.
  • Don’t throw your sigarettes on the ground, put them in a pocket ashtray or garbage bin.
  • Look sharp! By being here you give us permission to make and use images or sound recordings.
  • Always follow the instructions of security guards and staff.
  • When entering the site you automatically agree with these house rules.
  • In cases that are not mentioned here, but which can still lead to discussion, the organization decides.


  • Carrying or dealing in hard drugs or other prohibited substances is prohibited.
  • Be careful! The organisation is not liable for damage or injury unless this is the direct result of negligence.
  • Own drinks, food, glass, cans, full plastic bottle, spray cans, fireworks and animals/pets cannot enter.
  • Weapons or other dangerous objects are prohibited.
  • Physical or verbal violence, discriminatory or intimidating behaviour, sexual harassment and/or intimidating behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • You may not wear or bring any clothing with provocative or an offensive print.
  • Stealing or losing other people’s belongings is prohibited.
  • You cannot sell back to us or save tokens / consumption vouchers for another event.
  • Bringing professional audio- and video equipment, handing out flyers and/or other promotional activities are prohibited, unless agreed otherwise.

Celebrate Safe

Please celebrate safe. Take care of one another and read how to be a responsible Alter here. If you feel unsafe in any way, please go to the security staff. They are trained in all kinds of situations and know how to help you.


I lost my ticket, where can I find it?

Lost your ticket? Look for the confirmation e-mail from Eventix. If you can't find the e-mail, check this Eventix page (Dutch only) or contact them to request your tickets again via tickets@eventix.nl.

Why can't I download my (festival) ticket (yet)?

To prevent fraud, your festival tickets are sealed until the day before an event.

Then, you can download your e-ticket AFTER personalisation. To do this, go to the confirmation e-mail from Eventix (or look it up via www.eventix.nl/search) and follow the instructions.


Tickets for komm schon Alter you can find on my website. Besides here, Ticketswap is the only platform where I 100% can guarantee the safety of the ticket.

Do you want to sell a ticket? Look up the confirmation email from Eventix, click on 'download tickets', scroll down and you will see a Ticketswap link. If you've lost your confirmation e-mail, look it up via www.eventix.nl/search.

Club shows

Clubshows 2025

Of course there will be komm schon Alter club shows in 2025! The first one will be announced soon.

Das Festival 2025 - June 7th

Date & location

Das Festival 2025 will take place on June 7th from 12:00 till 23:00 at de Tuinen van West.

Tickets go on sale on December 4th 12PM.

Das Festival line-up

The very first names of Das Festival:

  • Âme live
  • Arabella Memdouh
  • Huminal
  • Juan Sanchez
  • Mees Salomé
  • Miss Melera
  • Nicky Elisabeth
  • NTO b2b Joachim Pastor live
  • Olivier Weiter
  • Rose Ringed
  • Steve Rachmad
  • Teya Flow

And more to be announced!

Das Festival - Sustainability


Organising a festival is like building a small village - me and my team take the lush green hills of de Tuinen van West and turn them into a big mature dancing get-together. But turntables, food trucks and lasers all need power - so how do we make this Alter village a green village?

Since 2019 Das Festival runs entirely on renewable energy. Partly supplied by batteries of our partner Green Power Solutions that are charged by wind energy, and partly by using the local power grid. In Amsterdam the local power grid receives its energy from renewable sources. So you won’t find stinky machines running on fossil fuels at Das Festival!


As you know for sure, food production has an enormous impact on the environment. In order to mitigate these effects, I’ve implemented these three measures into Das Festival:

  1. No more meat! Eating a beef burger at a festival is so 2013! It’s no secret that eating animals is not only cruel, but also better for our planet. That’s why in 2019, I’ve switched to an entirely vegetarian food lineup. Let me blow you away with many veggie inspired dishes - you won’t be missing that beef burger!
  2. Eat local! For this year's edition of Das Festival, I’m working with a selection of caterers that are located close to de Tuinen van West and work with locally sourced produce. This reduces the carbon footprint and long supply lines, and we all contribute to the local entrepreneurial spirit!
  3. In order to better asses the impact of the various dishes served by our catering partners, we're collaborating with Klimato. With this tool caterers can add their various dishes and calculate the impact of their meals based on the life cycle analyses of each ingredient used.

Cups, bottles and cans

Do you miss that feeling of dancing on an ever expanding sea of plastic cups on the dance floor…? Well, I don’t!

In order to keep the beautiful green oases of de Tuinen van West pristine, I've implemented a return system on hardcups, bottles and cans. You pay €1,50 extra when buying your first drink. When getting your next drink, you can hand in your old cup, bottle or can to avoid this extra cost. This way we can recycle properly and keep the dance floor clean.

Resource management

Recycle, reuse! Enjoying resources responsibly is becoming a vital aspect of life. That’s why my team and I created a waste collection system with which we reduce the amount of residual waste by 60%. This way we save valuable resources that will be send for recycling instead of being burned for energy.

The waste flows need to be clean, otherwise the recycle machines won’t be able to process it properly. That’s why you as visitor can really help me and the team out by deposing your waste in the correct bins. To keep it clear and simple I created 2 types of waste bins:

  1. Compostables (left over food, cutlery, plates)  
  2. Residual waste (everything else)

The various different type of resources collected will be recycled by various partners in close proximity of the festival. All the recycled plastic will for example be used to make new bottles or food packaging. Closing to loop!

Planting trees

You might have seen it in my ticket shop, or you might’ve already bought a tree ticket (yay for you). Let me explain what this ‘plant a tree’ donation means!

The movement of goods and people still is the biggest contributor to the carbon footprint of Das Festival. That’s why I’ve partnered with Trees for All to start growing our own forests both in the Netherlands and the tropics. With these forests we can start offsetting our collective emissions.

You can donate €2 when purchasing a ticket. I’ll contribute 50 cents on top of it, so we start saving collectively. The goal is a new forest of 2.000 trees strong!



Do you have any other questions? Send an email to info@kommschonalter.de or send a message to our Facebook or Instagram account.

Privacy Policy

Can be found here.

Terms & conditions

You can read our terms & conditions (in Dutch) here.